Headline news
Number of results 2 for celiac disease

15/01/2015 - A gluten immune reaction in everyone
A research study shows that the innate immune system reacts against gluten in both celiac and non-celiac people producing interleukins, a kind of inflammatory substances. That means that we all are indeed sensitive to gluten.
The difference between celiac and non-celiac people remains in the adaptative immune system, that is to say, the antibodies produced against gluten.
In other studies, hundreds of diseases have been linked to gluten sensitivity. 

25/01/2013 - 10 Reasons to Avoid Gluten and Modern Cereals

When we talk about gluten-free products we think rather in wheat, barley and rye, because the protein that they contain is the origin of celiac disease. But in fact, the definition of gluten is "a substance present in cereal grains, especially wheat, that is responsible for the elastic texture of dough" (Oxford dictionary), that is to say, that all grains contain gluten in more or less quantity.
But is that the gluten in all kind of grains as bad?
Can the gluten represent a problem not only to celiac persons but also others?
What is gluten sensitivity?